Friday, January 19, 2007

Little Hop

So here we are again. And again I have a drill up for your viewing enjoyment.
Again it is a Mario Pochat referenced piece.

2.5 hours
Here's the link to Mario's


Chris McDougall said...

Its pretty good but it has more of your "Style" to it instead of a copy from Mario. The timing of his positions is good but some things you might want to change are:

The toe "flip and snap" in yours you have the toes rotate up and then snap down and mario has his straight.

The head movment at the start is different. Mario has his characters head pointed more forward and you made it go straight to the box. I would give you a 65/100

romy said...

The animation is pretty good. It's fluid and the motions have very nice arcs. I agree with above comment, that it is a bit removed from the original. It lacks holds and 'punchiness', if that makes any sense.
And his feet seem to skitter on the floor a few times when they should be still.

70 - It's good, it just needs completeness.

Nathan Hibberd said...

Very nice. Only major thing I have a problem with is right when he jumps up onto the box. Mario Pochat's version is a few frames faster and looks a lot snappier because of it.

Anonymous said...

Its a good start. But it looks like it needs a little tweaking on the f-curves.

Graeme J Morris said...

Tough Markers but it makes sense. I hope it helps you and doen't break you.
